Update / COVID-19 update! IMPORTANT NOTICE! Only emergency care from 16/03/2020!
Dear Patients!
Serious sacrifices now expected to be made, both by the general public and by healthcare providers, in order to cope effectively with the current epidemiological emergency.
The main goal of our clinic in the coming period is to ensure that the outbreak triggered by COVID-19 coronavirus requires as few serious illness and human life as possible, and to be able to continue business as usual as soon as possible.
The crucial factor in the spread of the virus is the ability to minimize personal contact over the next few days / weeks. Since dental treatment requires a relatively close contact, considering the health of our patients, our colleagues and partners we’ve made the following tough decision aligned with our medical team:
We at DENTOP Clinic as always are do our best to remain up to date and aligned with the official legistaltions. Considering the 10/2020 (III.14) Government Decree - Restricting basic dental care to emergency treatments - published on 14/03/2018 (III.14) and the Recommendation on private medical practices published by the Hungarian Medical Chamber on 15/03/2014, and on the basis of the extraordinary steps approved by the Ministry of Human Resources.
Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic; with the greatest regret and understanding from 16/03/2020 we are canceling all of our treatments which are possible to be delayed for an indefinite period.
From now on exclusively immediate procedures that are strictly required, with modified office appointments will be carried out. We are working on and informing you widely regarding the new extraordinary opening hours as soon as possible! If you have any questions, please get in contact with our colleagues at the office:
Call +36 70 408 7088 or send an email to recepcio@dentop.hu
Affected patients with currently undergoing treatments and waiting to be treated, we will contact you soon via phone and email to reschedule your existing (postponable) appointments.
Trusting in your cooperation,
Thank you for your understanding,
Hi. DENTOP Dentistry